Search the Texas Unified Certification Program (TUCP) DBE/ACDBE and TxDOT SBE Directory by entering search criteria and clicking Search. You must select at least one certification type. You can also search by a variety of other fields which are listed below.
Search results may be downloaded by clicking the "Download Search Results" button after your search results are displayed. To download the full Certification Directory do not enter search criteria, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Download Entire Directory" button.
A ‘Search by Commodity Code’ is provided below, and you may include commodity codes in a download of your search results.
NOTE: This online directory lists firms certified by the Texas Unified Certification Program (TUCP). Firms that appear in the directory are currently certified and approved to be utilized toward meeting established contract goals in their displayed certification North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes. Firms that are noted as “suspended” cannot be utilized for-credit on new contracts until the suspension is removed. For additional details please reference the US DOT regulations or contact TxDOT Civil Rights Division at (512) 416-4700 or send us an email at
Disclaimer: Certification and the information listed within this directory is not a guarantee of a firm's capacity or ability to perform specific tasks or services. Users of this information are advised to conduct their own due diligence when engaging any listed entities. Prior to contracting, it is the prime contractor's responsibility to ensure a subcontractor is ready, willing and able to perform the defined scope of work.